
Star trek resurgence where is the brig in ds9
Star trek resurgence where is the brig in ds9

star trek resurgence where is the brig in ds9

Solano fears that he’s lost the confidence of his staff, and is counting on Academy protege Rydek to help restore his honor as the Resolute embarks on an important diplomatic mission. The Resolute is recovering from a recent disaster that cost the lives of several of its crew and the reputation of its captain, Zachary Solano. Resurgence alternates between the perspectives of two player-controlled characters aboard the science vessel Resolute, incoming first officer Commander Jara Rydek (Krizia Bajos) and enlisted engineer Petty Officer Carter Diaz (Josh Keaton). But as a Star Trek story, it definitely earns its pips. As a game and as a piece of software, it leaves a lot to be desired. Set aboard a new ship and starring an almost entirely new cast, Resurgence is a branching narrative whose balance between interstellar intrigue, interpersonal conflict, and explosive space action hews closer to that of its source material than any Star Trek game in decades - maybe ever. This seems to be the aim of Star Trek Resurgence, the debut release from Telltale offshoot Dramatic Labs, and the first Star Trek game in ages to be as character- and dialogue-focused as the television series. To truly capture the essence of the spacefaring adventure series, a video game should be as much about talking as it is about flying and shooting, allowing players to explore new worlds, build relationships, and confront complicated moral dilemmas. Gene Roddenberry’s cosmic polemic often contains action, but it’s never about action Star Trek is about compassion, curiosity, and camaraderie. Moreover, even the most celebrated Star Trek games, such as 2000’s Star Trek: Voyager – Elite Force, 2002’s Star Trek: Bridge Commander, and the long-running MMORPG Star Trek Online, place an overwhelming emphasis on combat, which is only ever a last resort in Star Trek stories. There are licensed Star Trek video games going back 50 years, but there’s never been a truly great Star Trek game, one whose appeal outstretches the limits of its existing fan base. If I chose him as XO, would Westbrook have gone down to commucations and get turned? I rightly pissed off Bedrosian and didn’t have her as an XO option.Unlike its esteemed counterpart from Lucasfilm, Star Trek’s history with video games isn’t exactly stellar. Is it always fixed which characters become Tkon Scions? I picked Westbrook as my XO, and Urmott became a Scion. But I’m curious if other outcomes are possible. Now going for Resurgence: Either Carter or Nili have to be bioformed, no way out of it. It kind of left a bad taste in my mouth when I played it, cos the game spends four episodes making you do everything possible to save Chloe, and the developers had themselves picked a “correct” ending and wanted players to save Chloe. You’re always going to end up at the lighthouse on the cliff with Chloe. But you can’t change that final fate, Lee and Clementine winding up in the jewellery store, and choosing if Clem mercy kills Lee or leaves him to turn. All you can do is change how he’ll appear in the next episode cut off part of his arm to try and prevent him turning, or just say eff it and carry on. In the first Walking Dead, Lee always gets bit at the end of episode four. To avoid spoilers for this game, I’ll use old ones. No matter what you do, you’re going to end up there. I think myself from playing a lot of these type of games, certain events are (to borrow from the Time Lords) fixed points.

Star trek resurgence where is the brig in ds9