Memoria: Memoria is a point & click adventure game. I would heartily recommend this game to anyone who likes turn based tactical games. I only have one minor criticism (and it is nit picking) in that I found the actual difficulty of levels variable in that whilst you can set the difficulty level for each level the same difficulty for two levels could prove easy on one level and extremely difficult on another. If my backlog wasn't so huge I could easily have played through the game again on a slightly harder difficulty and both DLCs have gone onto my wish list. The story line was entertaining, the abilities for each characters varied and interesting as were the weapons. I liked the gentle humour and the Steampunk theme. My actual playtime (as reported by the game) was just over 30 hours and this was significantly more than I was expecting but was mainly due to the fact I liked the game so much and enjoyed experimenting with different team makeups to try and complete the levels. I really enjoyed SWH, so much so that I ended up leveling up all of the 9 characters to level 10 (the maximum level). SteamWorld Heist: SWH is effectively a single player team based, turn based 2D platformer. I’ll them make the review public once I have finished or abandoned the game. I’m also trying to write reviews for every game I play! Initially I’ll create them as private reviews with WIP (Work In Progress) in the title and add to them at the time I come across something in the game worth adding to the review. I’ll target games I’ve won in Steam Gifts wherever possible, with games won from whitelists or public GAs generally giving preference, as rightly or wrongly, I tend to think of bundle groups as more like trading groups. Once abandoned or finished I’ll replace the game with another from the same category. My current batch will contain around 7 games, usually one from each of the following categories: RPG, Adventure, Action, Puzzle, Platform, Strategy & Misc. Games I have checked out, usually with a small amount of playtime, and decided I am definitely interested in playing them I have created some groups to help tackle by backlog: Name I’m just interested in playing a game until I either get bored with or I finish it and I’ll keep track of games I try and decide its not for me and mark them as abandoned. I’ll keep track of how far I get with achievements but I’m not chasing them. Somehow I went from a handful of games in August 2015 to over 2000 todayīear in mind I’ve been playing video games since the late 70s and can only recall finishing around a dozen in all that time.